
Privacy Notice

PROTECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA EMEA BIA highly values the protection of your personal data. We therefore undertake to:
  • comply with privacy laws and regulations;
  • process your data carefully;
  • not pass on or resell your data to third parties, unless this is necessary due to a legal obligation;
  • Only cooperate with other parties if this is necessary for the processing of your file.
With this privacy statement, EMEA BIA wants to inform you why and under what conditions we collect, record and process certain personal data. What personal data does EMEA BIA use and why do we do this? Personal data are data that relate directly to you or can be traced back to you or to another natural person. Think of name and address details or a citizen service number. We process this data in order to provide you with a good service. In order to be able to process your file, we need personal data from you and all other parties involved. This is the only way we can check, for example, whether you are eligible for funded legal aid, but the data is also necessary to keep you informed and, for example, to inform the court who you are. In addition, we use your personal data to provide you with (possibly) relevant information and to keep you informed of promotions and offers. We only do the latter if we have your explicit permission to do so. Who can view your data? Only our employees and in exceptional cases third parties have access to your data. All our employees and cooperating parties have concluded a confidentiality and/or processing agreement. Our policy is that an employee does not view more data than is strictly necessary. However, because our lawyers have to replace each other in case of illness and absence, it is impossible to promise that only your treating lawyer will see the data. Of course, our buildings, computers and networks are well secured. Data Your personal data will be stored in a digital system to which only the authorised employees of EMEA BIA have access. No (commercial) cookies are used on our websites. However, your e-mail address and/or telephone number will be requested if you indicate via the special contact form that you wish to contact our office. These requests are sent directly to the secretariat. You will never respond by leaving your personal data to a message that EMEA BIA places on social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. In that case, always send an e-mail to emeabia@esq.nl. Rights of the customer You have the following right with regard to your own personal data:
  • right of access to personal data recorded by us;
  • right to submit a request for correction or deletion of your personal data;
  • right to object to certain uses of your personal data;
  • Right to data portability
In some cases, we cannot or may not make changes or deletions. For example, if this is contrary to laws and regulations. You can submit a request for inspection or correction via info@esq.nl or by contacting your treating lawyer. You will receive a response from us within four weeks. In case of complaints, we ask you to go through our internal complaints procedure. You can find the most up-to-date version of this procedure at: If you do not agree with the way in which EMEA BIA handles your personal data, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Archive EMEA BIA stores your personal data in the following ways:
  • An application will be removed from our (digital) client registration system no later than one year after receipt, unless an assignment agreement has followed the application;
  • Your file will be deleted from the closed file cabinet up to 5 years after the end of the treatment, unless there is another legal provision that requires us to keep the data for longer than 5 years;
  • Your digital file will be deleted up to 5 years after the end of the treatment, unless there is another legal provision that requires us to keep the data for longer than 5 years;
  • Financial data may be kept outside your file if specific legal provisions so provide.
Upon termination of a file, the information that does not need to be kept by EMEA BIA will be returned to you or this information will be destroyed immediately if you have previously received the information from us. Finally This privacy policy will be regularly checked against the most current laws and regulations and will be updated accordingly.   EMEA BIA, 16th October 2023  
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